Case Study: Merlin

I created this app as apart of my Google UX course. I decided to create an app for patients at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL.

Project: Google UX Course

Role: UX designer

Software: Adobe XD, Adobe Indesign, Google Docs


I am creating an app for patients at a local cancer hospital to help them manage their appointments, results, and care. Many times patients show up, their appointments are running late, or there have been errors, and they have to wait all day while being very sick. The goal is to minimize risk to the patient from other ill individuals, save them time and make sure their experience is the best it can be and not be a burden while they deal with serious health conditions.


This project aims to provide a guide to patients as they navigate their illness and health journey. I named this app Merlin because he was the guide and mentor to King Arthur. I wanted a descriptive name that most people would recognize without being over the top and childish. The logo has a compass icon in the title to help illustrate the concept of a guide.

User Group

All ages. Patients and their families.


  • To create an app that is usable for all ages

  • Accessible for most disabilities

  • Provides GPS tracking for patients to know where their appointments are

  • Customer service for patients and their families

  • Appointments management for patients and hospitals


Merlin will be your guide through your treatments, appointments, labs, and doctor visits at Moffitt Cancer Center. He will help you navigate the hospital and check you into appointments. No more waiting around for hours; Merlin will update you in real-time with any delays to appointments and even order you a snack. At the end of the day, use Merlin to request your car through the valet so you can get home faster.

User Research

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 10.01.10 PM.png

Paper Prototypes

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Overall Solution

The solution to this problem is to create a one-stop-shop for everything a patient needs. This app acts as a GPS to let patients know if their appointments are on time and when they should leave their house. This saves them time waiting in the hospital around sick people and allows them to plan their day.

The goal of this app is to break down the red tape found within hospital administration and scheduling. In addition, patients can sign in on the app to let the office and doctor know they have arrived.

It will tell them how long it will take them to get to their next appointment and help them navigate a route. It will also build in meals and let you know which cafe or cafeteria is open and pay ahead.

They can message their doctor within the app and ask questions and view doctor profiles.

Their labs and results, and visit summaries are also stored in the app; this gives them easy access to their medical information.

User research solutions

  • In response to the feedback from user-testing, have added in a status of their appointment if it is on time, running late, or canceled.

  • We will add vocal commands and narration for those who are visually impaired.

  • We have made the app simple to use and add narration in other languages to ensure everyone can benefit from the app.

  • We will add a tutorial and FAQ session for users, and we will also have video tutorials for them to engage with before using the app.

  • We have added a consent form for patients to give their families access to the app and medical information.

  • We have used colors and shape sizes to indicate which appointments are completed.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Final designs


Case Study: FSR dashboard


Case Study: Modern Stems